Technique to Lose Weight

Technique to Lose Weight, If we want to lose weight, we must stop the nonsense and be very clear about the three fundamental premises: Mentalization, diet, and exercise. If you follow these guidelines in just seven days, you will see how we can lose weight up to two kilos. Everything will depend on the desire and effort we put into it, but we must have great psychological strength if we want to continue losing weight.

Ignore fad diets or miracle products. The only miracle that exists to lose weight is ourselves. We have to keep a cool head and be aware that we must burn more calories than we consume.

To lose weight, we must burn at least 500 more calories a day than we consume. Therefore, we must introduce different changes in the way we eat, move more, and realize that we have lost those kilos in a few weeks that we have so much excess.

How to Lose Weight in a Week?

Technique to Lose Weight, In this article, we expose and give you the necessary tricks to lose weight in a week without making tremendous sacrifices.


Technique to Lose Weight, Focus on your goal, think that it is only a week, and you must be mentalized for it if you want to achieve it. In a week, the results could pay off, and this will encourage you to go ahead with the plan. To maintain your goal, weigh yourself on an empty stomach when you wake up.

Preferably, use a digital weight, and you will see how little by little you lose weight until you reach the goal. Of course, if this does not go as you wish, do not be discouraged and forget to weigh yourself for a few days.  Put everything on your part, and you will see how the effort pays off.


It is perhaps one of the most important aspects of losing weight. Therefore, we establish a series of guidelines that you must follow if you want to lose kilos in less than a week:

  • It is forbidden to consume white bread and refined pasta.
  • Drink a Lot of Water.
  • More vegetables and more fruits, supplemented with eggs, fish, or lean meat.
  • Drink coffee an hour before exercising.
  • Eat only when you are hungry and need to eat. Don’t eat out of boredom.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Forget the treats after eating.

Exercise to Lose Weight

Technique to Lose Weight, A good diet should remain complemented with a minimum of half an hour of cardio a day. If you are not used to doing sports, it will be enough for you to move a little and walk an hour a day at a good pace. It will help us lose 350 calories an hour.

Technique to Lose Weight, In case we are sportspeople, half an hour a day will be enough. Eight minutes of warm-up, 15 of interval exercise in which you alternate 1 minute of vigorous exercise with one slower and 7 minutes of cool down.

Technique to Lose Weight, Try to gain muscle because the more strength you have, the more calories you will burn. For this reason, we propose a simple exercise plan, which should remain followed three times a week, doing three sets of 10 repetitions of each of the following movements:

  • Money
  • Squats
  • ABS

With these exercises, the help of a healthy diet and our psychological strength, we can lose all the kilos that we set out to do. Of course, be very careful with the rebound effect in our diet, so if you decide to carry it out, try to maintain it over time, and you will see how it ends up giving the desired results.