How To Handle Type 2 Diabetes & Normalise Blood Sugar

Why is testing blood sugar important?

The first two steps in treating type 2 diabetes are to keep your blood sugar levels in the “normal” range and reverse the damage that has already been done by high blood sugar.

If you have type 2 diabetes, it’s important to regularly test your blood sugar levels. This will help you make sure your diabetes is under control so that you can enjoy a longer, healthier life.

When you test your blood sugar, the results help you:

  • Understand how much insulin your body is using to control your blood sugar.
  • Prevent or manage a low blood sugar episode.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your diabetes treatment plan.
  • Monitor your progress with diet and exercise so you don’t lose control of your diabetes.

The body’s primary source of insulin is the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. The hormone insulin is in charge of permitting blood glucose to enter cells, giving them the energy they need to function. The emergence of diabetes is significantly influenced by the absence of efficient insulin.

More insulin is produced to balance blood sugar levels when glucose levels rise. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use the sugar from food. When you eat a meal, your blood glucose level rises.

What is a normal blood sugar level?

How To Handle Type 2 Diabetes & Normalise Blood Sugar. The normal ranges for blood sugar and HbA1C are used to determine if a patient has diabetes or is prediabetic. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In type 1, the immune system destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This leads to impaired glucose metabolism without having a high HbA1C. In type 2 diabetes, excessive amounts of glucose are produced by the liver that stays in the bloodstream for too long. The normal ranges for blood sugar and HbA1C were established to diagnose if a person has diabetes or is prediabetic.

Your normal blood glucose range should be around 100-140 mg/dl, with a fasting blood sugar level (the lowest possible reading) of less than 100 mg/dl. If you test for diabetes, the actual reading will be far higher due to the impaired insulin in your body and other factors.

How does the body normally regulate blood glucose?

Glucose, a form of sugar generated after the digestion of carbohydrates and other nutrients, is transported throughout the body via the bloodstream and gives cells energy. Glycogen is mostly stored as an energy reserve in the liver and muscles. When your body does not get adequate glucose from food, the stored glycogen is drawn from those places to supply energy for daily life. But when you eat food containing carbohydrates (sugars), your body absorbs some of that sugar into the bloodstream and converts it into glucose for use by cells throughout the body.

The rest of the sugar is stored in fat cells as triglycerides (triacylglycerol). When there isn’t enough glucose available to supply all the needs of all cells simultaneously, some cells will start using their storage supplies first — they’ll begin releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream until they run out of stored glycogen (stored sugars) or triglycerides.

Can people with type 2 diabetes reverse the problem and eliminate medications?

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. A person with type 2 diabetes has insulin resistance, meaning their cells don’t respond as well as healthy cells due to the presence of insulin. Typically, this leads to high blood sugar levels and eventually damages the body’s cells, tissues and organs.

Reverse type 2 diabetes by losing weight and exercising more. However, the disease is often difficult to manage because it can cause many symptoms and complications that make it hard for people to control their blood sugar levels.

People with type 2 diabetes who follow a healthy lifestyle may be able to reverse their condition without taking medication or undergoing surgery. If they want to avoid medication or other medical interventions, they should work closely with a doctor specialising in treating metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Here are some tips for helping keep blood sugar levels normal.

There are many ways to help keep blood sugar levels normal and healthy. Here are some tips for managing your diabetes:

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fibre, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Avoid sugary drinks and processed food.
  • Watch your carb intake and stay within your plan.
  • Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up.
  • Limit sweets, alcohol, caffeine drinks, and fried foods
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Check your sugar levels regularly.
  • Get active and exercise regularly.
  • Manage stress.
  • Quit smoking.

Takeaway: How To Handle Type 2 Diabetes & Normalise Blood Sugar

Keeping blood sugar levels normal is the key to good health. Diabetes often requires ongoing medical care, but there are also natural options. “Normal” sugar levels in your blood differ depending on when you last ate. One of the best things you can do to prevent diabetes is to lose weight and exercise. If you have diabetes, it’s important to monitor and control your blood sugar levels to prevent complications.


Book a free consultation if you wish to know more about diabetes. Visit our site to enhance further your understanding of managing the normal sugar levels of your diabetes and ways to reverse type 2 diabetes.