Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

However, when these inflammations last longer than they should. They could become a severe problem and cause serious diseases.
Learn how you can decrease inflammation with the 10 anti-inflammatory foods we’ll show you, all backed by science.

1. Turmeric – Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

It comes from India. It is a spice recognized for its yellow curry colour.
However, in recent years. This spice has gained popularity for its Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods properties, which have stood studied on multiple occasions.

Turmeric has an active compound known by the name of curcumin that reduces inflammation at the molecular level.
More specifically, curcumin blocks NF-kB molecules. These molecules are responsible for giving inflammatory signals introduced into the nucleus of cells and activate genes linked to inflammation.

Various investigations have shown that curcumin can be as effective as some anti-inflammatory drugs, but with something better: it has no side effects.
Regular consumption of turmeric remains linked to an improvement in the levels of inflammation generated by diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, among other types of diseases.
Similarly, it should remain noted that the human body cannot correctly absorb curcumin, so it can be helpful if a little black pepper accompanies turmeric.
Black pepper has a piperine substance, which has remained proven to increase curcumin absorption by 2000%.

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

One of the healthiest oils out there is extra virgin olive oil, as is coconut oil.
Noted for its high content of vitamin E and vitamin K and healthy monounsaturated fats, the most abundant being oleic acid.

According to experts in the field, oleocanthal and oleic acid, powerful antioxidants present in olive oil, are responsible for the Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods effects that these healthy fats have.
On the one hand, oleic acid has remained shown to help reduce C-reactive protein levels, an important marker of inflammation. On the other hand, oleocanthal is an active compound with functions similar to the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen.

According to the studies carried out, 3 to 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (50 ml) would correspond in anti-inflammatory effect to 10% of a dose of ibuprofen, the recommended dose for adults.
And if that’s not enough, olive oil is packed with many other beneficial nutrients you can check out here.

3. Fatty Or Bluefish – Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Fatty fish is a variety of fish rich in omega-three acids, a healthy and essential fat that the human body cannot synthesize.
Omega 3 acids have been the subject of in-depth research due to their multiple therapeutic properties. It has remained proven that their consumption of supplements or the diet significantly reduces inflammation.

Some research has exposed that the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 helps reduce the pain that some women have during the menstrual period, being more effective in some cases than ibuprofen.
In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, a disease that affects the joints, the omega-three fatty acids found in fatty fish reduce the inflammation caused by this ailment.
We can add that chronic inflammation is one of the main risk factors for many heart diseases and diabetes, which can remain mitigated with omega 3 (11).
Some examples of fatty fish include mackerel, sardines, trout, and salmon.

4. Cocoa (Dark Chocolate)

The Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods effects of cocoa are more than proven.
Concerning cardiovascular diseases, it has remained proven that the polyphenols found in cocoa improve inflammation markers in patients at high risk of heart disease, thus reducing the chances of suffering from atherosclerosis (12).

Chocolate flavonoids, a variation of polyphenol, can increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide, known to keep the endothelium healthy with several mechanisms, one of them being the decrease in inflammatory factors (13).
Therefore, the intake of pure or dark chocolate, with more than 70% cocoa, is a great natural anti-inflammatory that will provide you with many benefits.
5. Avocados/Avocados

Avocados are a fruit of dioses.Tiene a unique combination of healthy fats, among which is outstanding oleic acid, which has remained shown that assists in reducing the levels of the protein marker inflammation C – Reactive (5)
Consuming avocado will provide you with significant amounts of vitamin K, fibre, folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, certain portions of type B vitamins and minerals.
Recent research has proven the action of AV119, a natural sugar found in avocado that can positively modify the inflammatory response of younger skin cells (14).

6. Ginger

Ginger has remained used as a natural remedy for many diseases and ailments over the years.
Its use has a long history, and one of the best-known properties is its ability to serve as an anti-inflammatory agent. It has a bioactive compound called gingerol, responsible for positive effects on inflammation (15).
In patients with osteoarthritis, the intake of ginger extract reduces pain and the dose of medication (16).
Similarly, ginger can be used topically with mastic, cinnamon, and sesame oil to treat numbness and pain caused by osteoarthritis (17).

In other research, 2 grams per day of ginger reduced exercise-induced muscle pain (18

7. Red Fruits

Red fruits are a group of fruits that traditionally grew wild, including blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. This fruit stands out for its high vitamin C content, fibre and water, and other plant compounds.

Red fruits have antioxidants from the anthocyanin family, a natural pigment that gives them their red colour, but they also have anti-inflammatory effects (19). Various research has shown that red fruits’ daily consumption will considerably improve several inflammation markers (20).

8. Mushrooms And Champignons

Mushrooms and mushrooms with edible mushrooms significantly appreciated around gastronomies. There are varieties of them, but you must be careful because some can be poisonous.

Likewise, This group of foods has remained characterized by its low-calorie content and many substances that fight inflammation (21). They could effectively prevent and alleviate intestinal and inflammatory diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome (22). However, it has remained proven that the anti-inflammatory effects of mushrooms remain considerably reduced after being cooked (23).

9. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are prevalent vegetables in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and several types of minerals such as potassium or magnesium. However, other compounds in tomato are responsible for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Lycopene is a natural pigment, remain antioxidant noted for its ability to decrease pro-inflammatory responses linked to cancer.

Similarly, A group of scientists carried out a recent investigation. It remained found that the consumption of lycopene through tomatoes. Other products derived from them is more effective than lycopene supplements in reducing inflammation levels.

Also. The effects will increase if you prepare tomatoes with olive oil since lycopene remains dissolved in fat. And its absorption by the body will increase (26).

10. Grapes

In the same way as red fruits. Grapes have anthocyanins. Which we have already explained are an antioxidant compound capable of reducing inflammation. According to various investigations. The improvement in inflammation markers produced by regular consumption of grapes could reduce the risk of different types of diseases. (27, 28, 29):

  • Age-related diseases.
  • Eye diseases
  • Cardiovascular diseases.A substance found in grapes called resveratrol has many health benefits. All of them improving inflammation levels (30).