Tech Skills Regardless Of Your Career

According to figures from the OCCMundial Quarterly Employment Index, the Information Systems and Technologies area have the highest vacancies available.It is also one of the best paid, in the 2nd and 3rd quarters the average salary offered exceeded 17 thousand pesos per month, above areas such as Accounting and Sales.

Information Technologies impact all types of business, most businesses, whether large or small, requires technology to operate. And even if your study or work area is not directly related, indeed, you use technological devices or programs for your daily activities.

Due to the nature of technology, which is constantly changing and innovating, today’s knowledge may be obsolete tomorrow, hence updating continuously. In addition, the labour market rewards those who have been interested in acquiring additional technological knowledge with better opportunities and higher salaries.

Whatever your career, mastering these tech skills can open many more doors for you.

Tech Skills Regardless Of Your Career

1. Programming

Viewing any web page on your computer or mobile device is possible thanks to programming. The HTML and CSS languages ​​are the most basic, but there is specific programming for mobile applications, for example. The best thing is that although it looks pretty complicated, there are free online resources that can help you, for instance, Codecademy or Khan Academy.

2. Excel

Companies handle large amounts of information and databases that must remain organized and interpreted. Many people include Excel proficiency lightly in their CV, but using the tool goes beyond just making a table. The domain of pivot tables and macros allows you to manipulate the information and obtain critical data. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, avoid putting Excel in your knowledge and look for a certification course.

3. Virtual storage

The Internet not only allows you to share information but also to save it. Virtual storage or ‘cloud computing makes it possible for small business members or a large organization to access stored information from any location and device. Platforms such as Salesforce, Dropbox or Google Drive are just examples of tools used to streamline processes in organizations; if you know them, you automatically have a competitive advantage.

4. Social Networks

If at this point you smiled and thought, I do handle that! Keep reading. Knowing about social networks does not mean having a Facebook and Twitter account. Currently, social networks are a significant communication space; they remains not only used to publish the last photo of your trip, your meeting with friends or announce a personal one.

Most of the large companies and institutions communicate with clients and users through social networks. There are professional networks in which you can build a reputation. There are security settings to decide with whom you share your information. They are also a massive means of communication: 9 out of 10 Internet users in Mexico use them.

Social networks become relevant to your personal and professional life; When using social networks for professional life, you should provide your followers best content. According to your need, you may need a photo editor,.

5. Design – Tech Skills Regardless Of Your Career

Every company or business lives off its clients. They receive many audiovisual stimuli every day; thus, it is essential to communicate effectively, and design is a critical component of communication. The most used programs are Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator , and there are online tutorials to diplomas to master them.

Undoubtedly, some of these skills make more sense to you than others, according to your work or study area. However, the message is clear: knowing technology is a plus for any professional. regardless of your career. Are you looking for a job? Visit Jooble to find your dream job.