Pneumonia is an illness that inflames the air sacs in either one or both lungs. As a result, the air sacs may become clogged with fluid or pus (purulent material), resulting in phlegm or pus cough, fever, chills, and trouble breathing. Pneumonia can be instigated by various species, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

The severity of pneumonia can range from minimal to life-threatening. It is hazardous for new-borns and young children, persons over 65, and those with health problems or compromised immune systems. See the best pulmonologist in Hyderabad immediately if you are experiencing any pneumonia symptoms, as you may need to be hospitalized for the prevention or treatment of more severe complications.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a pulmonary infection that damages the lungs. It’s infections can be bacterial or viral, which influences the sort of pneumonia symptoms that a person has because of the sickness.

Pneumonia, both viral and bacterial, is contagious. This means they can be passed from person to person via inhalation of airborne droplets after sneezing or coughing.

Fungal pneumonia can be contracted from the environment. However, it does not spread from one individual to the next.

Symptoms and Signs 

The signs and symptoms of pneumonia range from minor to severe, differing on the type of germ causing the virus and your age and overall health. Here are a few of the common pneumonia symptoms:

  • Coughing that may result in phlegm (mucus)
  • Sweating, fever, or chills
  • Shortness of breath that occurs throughout routine activities or even while resting, as well as chest pain that deteriorates when you breathe or cough
  • Emotions of exhaustion or fatigue
  • Appetite loss
  • Headaches caused by nausea or vomiting

Other symptoms may differ depending on your age and overall health:

  • Infants may appear to have no symptoms, yet they may vomit, be tired, or have difficulty drinking or eating
  • Children below the age of five may have rapid breathing or wheezing
  • Older folks may experience lesser symptoms. However, they may also experience confusion or a drop in body temperature

Treatment and Precaution

Your therapy will be determined by your type of pneumonia, its severity, and your overall health.

1.Medications on prescription

To treat your pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe medicine. The cause of your pneumonia will decide the treatment you receive.

  • Oral antibiotics can cure most bacterial pneumonia. However, always finish your antibiotic treatment even if you start feeling better. Failure to do so may keep the infection from resolving, making future treatment more difficult.
  • Antibiotics have little effect on viruses. Therefore, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral in some instances. However, with at-home care, numerous cases of viral pneumonia resolve independently.
  • Fungal pneumonia is treated with antifungal medicines. This drug may need to be used for several weeks to clear the infection.

2.Natural Treatments

The most excellent strategy to reduce pneumonia transmission is limiting your exposure to other people who have the virus while strengthening your immune system.

  • Boost Immune Function
  • Improving your diet and digestive health
  • Probiotic supplementation
  • Getting sufficient sleep
  • Exercising — Stress Reduction

Additional immune-boosting supplements

  • Fever Management
  • Prevent dehydration by sucking on ice cubes or making ice pops
  • Iced peppermint, thyme, or chamomile tea
  • Drink coconut water or make smoothies for electrolytes

Controlling the Coughing 

  • Homemade vegetable soups
  • Avoid extreme cold and breathe moist, warm air
  • Use a topical cough suppressant or natural cough syrup containing eucalyptus, thyme, cedarwood, nutmeg, camphor, and peppermint essential oils
  • Avoid hard workouts that worsen shortness of breath or chest pain
  • Use a humidifier, diffuse essential oils, and clean your home regularly to reduce irritants

Clean Up and Lower Indoor Air Pollution

  • Remove allergies like dust mites, pet hair, and (especially if someone in the family suffers from asthma symptoms).
  • Handwashing with soap prevents pneumonia
  • Never cook or heat with harmful fumes or smoke indoors
  • Avoid inhaling fumes and construction debris at work
  • Use natural cleaning products to clean surfaces, clothes, and your skin instead of harsh chemicals


If your symptoms are serious or you have additional health issues, you may require hospitalization. Doctors can monitor your heart rate, temperature, and respiration while in the hospital. Hospitalization may include:

Antibiotics administered into a vein

  • Respiratory treatment, which entails delivering specialized medications directly into the lungs or teaching you breathing workouts to maximize your oxygenation
  • Oxygen therapy to provide oxygen levels in your bloodstream (obtained through a nasal ventilator tube, face mask, or depending on severity)
  • Pneumonia can lead to consequences, especially in persons with compromised immune systems or chronic diseases like diabetes.

Complications and Risk 

  • Worsened Chronic condition- If you have certain pre-existing medical disorders, pneumonia may exacerbate them. Congestive heart failure & emphysema are two of these conditions. In addition, pneumonia raises the possibility of having a heart attack in some people.
  • Bacteraemia- Bacteria from a pneumonia infection could enter your bloodstream. In some situations, it can result in serious low BP, septic shock, and organ failure.
  • Lung abscesses- These remain pus-filled cavities in the lungs. They can be treated with antibiotics. To eliminate the pus, patients may require drainage or surgery.
  • You are having breathing difficulty- When you breathe, you may have trouble receiving enough oxygen. As a result, a ventilator may be required.
  • Acute respiratory distress Syndrome- This is the most severe type of respiratory failure. There is a medical emergency.
  • Pleural effusion- If your pneumonia is not treated, you may develop pleural effusion, fluid around your lungs in your pleura. The pleura are thin membranes which line the inside of your rib cage and the outside of your lungs. If the fluid becomes infected, it must be evacuated.
  • Damage to the kidneys, heart, and liver -These organs may be injured if they do not receive enough oxygen or if the immune system overreacts to the illness.
  • Death- Pneumonia can be lethal in some situations

Final words

Pneumonia is a contagious and potentially fatal lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, and other microbes.

Coughing, chest aches, fever, shortness of breath, and exhaustion are all symptoms of pneumonia.

Boosting immunity with a balanced diet and vitamins, managing fever symptoms, decreasing pollutant exposure and toxicity, breastfeeding new-borns, and treating allergies or respiratory infections are all-natural therapies for pneumonia symptoms.

Look at the best pulmonologist in Hyderabad right away if you are feeling any pneumonia symptoms, as you may need to remain hospitalized for the prevention or treatment of more severe complications.